Writer | Editor | Et Cetera

Hi, my name is johnbreneman.com, but you can call me John Breneman for short. Writer since birth. Genetically wired to bring high levels of creativity to everything I do.

My new short film: “Bicycle Time Traveler”

A time-traveling bicyclist perched atop a “penny-farthing” invites you to ride along for a 360-degree tour of his 400-year-old city by the sea. Time moves at wharf speed in this slow-motion visual poem celebrating the wonders Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Welcome to JohnBreneman.com

I’m a writer … writing life’s next chapter. After a career in newspapers and client copywriting, I’m finally devoting full time to the nonstop flow of creativity that enlivens my brain each day. 

Today’s featured projects:
– My new short film 
– My debut novel (details below)
Twisted History, my daily humor feature on Substack (description and free subscription details below)

Meanwhile, efforts to showcase the full spectrum of my creative works on this website continue apace.

Lincoln Laughing - Revisionist history

Check out my daily humor feature on Substack | Twisted History

I take your traditional “This Day in History” column and zap it with a revisionist twist … enlivening each day’s actual historical events and VIP birthdays with cerebral slapstick wordplay, punch lines and fun curated videos!

Please consider signing up for a Free Subscription

Act before midnight tonight to get your copy of the dark humor-suspense page-turner that is (not yet) taking the publishing industry by storm … “A Man of Remarkable Restraint”

Charles is definitely going insane. Has been since he was a kid. He keeps a tight grip on his inner psycho, but losing his job at the newspaper triggers some new craziness he can’t control. Come along on this madcap, darkly comedic odyssey with a deeply troubled, self-antagonistic protagonist — Charles [last name withheld to protect the innocent].

TV AD PARODY: Crazy Johnny! … is the wacky TV pitchman persona I use to promote the book in this borderline hilarious pretend TV ad.

BLOGGING WORST PRACTICES: Inspired by one of my actual marketing agency blog posts, this video taps that age-old advertising tactic, HUMOR(!)

John Breneman | Career Highlights

Newspaper journalism – Portsmouth Herald, Boston Herald, Cambridge Chronicle: reporter | editor | Sunday columnist | headline writer | page designer | editorialist | mentor. Here’s the scoop on my newspaper career.

Copywriting – digital agency marketing copywriter | senior editor | email marketer | strategist | student. Duties included serving as senior editor of 8-person copywriting team. Specialties include combining art of storytelling with science digital marketing.

Hi, me again. Along with my humor writing, fiction projects, screenplay work, etc., I am always exploring fun ways to expand my brand (and my mind) here in the lucrative, fast-paced blogosphere. Intellectual curiosity and empathy animate my daily existence. 

Writing and editing copy on the following topics continues to expand my understanding of how the world works: Artificial Intelligence | Technology Entrepreneurship | Data Science | Cybersecurity | Digital Transformation | Brandstorming | eCommerce | Customer Relationship Building | Leadership Training | Remote Teaching |Private Aviation | Third Party Logistics | Health Informatics | Industrial Robotics | Emotional Intelligence | UX | 5G | The Internet of Thingamabobs (IoT) | and much much more.

Recent learning adventures include: helping a leading U.S. university launch six new online master’s degree programs (including artificial intelligence, data science and technology entrepreneurship) and website storytelling to help launch a world-class next great jazz and blues club.

What the heck is on my YouTube Channel ??

A quick visit to my YouTube channel reveals several of my favorite alter egos, Triple Action News anchorman Reid Page and Mr. Billy Buck Teefus, THE American Redneck Savant (meet them in the two clips featured here). You’ll also find dope cuts from my imaginary hiphop artists, plus a mind-bending array of oddfellows and off-the-wall creations.

Subscribe today! or whenever, or not 🙂

In this 2010 flashback: Homespun pundit and American redneck savant Billy Buck Teefus is puzzled by what he hears about President Obama on Fox News. (Here’s a partial playlist of Teefus videos)

Reid Page is my fake news anchorman – a broadcast pioneer in the art of using overly exaggerated inflection and pauses to emphasize key words … and syllables.

I wrote and recorded “Scrub Your Hands n Cross Your Fingers” two months into the COVID-19 plague, before we knew WTF-19 we were dealing with. 

My alter ego M-Tone chose his hip-hop stage name because he can only rap in a monotone. Sometimes he rocks the mic as the Robot Rapper. (See the speed-rap version here

My niece’s graduation from Emerson would have been May 10, 2020 … but along came COVID-19. So I awarded her an honorary triple Ph.D. from Triple Action University.

This was soooo much fun! … doing a 26-minute live set as a featured artist at the monthly Beat Night held at Book & Bar in Portsmouth, NH. Organizer Mike Nelson encouraged me to promote “A Man of Remarkable Restraint,” my first novel.

Teefus was born at a family birthday party in 2008 where someone brought a gag redneck denture set. I bit into it and introduced myself to my family as “Mr. Billy Buck Teefus, American redneck savant.” I was almost as surprised as they were.

This fake pharmaceutical ad introduces Skelorex, a game-changing weight-loss spill that burns away flesh, muscle and internal organs. It is a signature product at my imaginary Big Pharma company, Triple Action Pharmaceutical.